Deposit your crypto assets to Hora ID.
Last updated
Deposit your crypto assets to Hora ID.
Last updated
In the most conventional sense, the crypto deposit is very similar to a savings account in traditional banks, where you deposit your crypto assets instead of fiat money.
On Hora Hub, you will be able to deposit Hora Tokens and Hora Coins. Before you do that, you will receive a list of the networks from where you can perform a deposit. All deposited balance is connected to your game via Hora ID, so please take care of your game account.
At the beginning deposit feature will mainly have a function of the bridge, meaning that you will be able to switch Hora Tokens between networks. That way, we leave options to our users - each individual user can do his own assessment of the best possible/preferable network for him.
What you need to know is that Hora Hub is not a digital wallet per se, even though we invested a lot in securing it in the best possible way, therefore we advise you to store your assets in the digital wallets we recommend. Those companies specialized in developing the most secure option to store your assets.
Important: transaction fees for deposits will be charged to players/users.
Hora Hub will also be a place of Hora Token and Hora Coin utilization, meaning that you will be able to use deposited crypto in our games and projects, i.e. for minting GPUs and in-app purchases. We advise you to do your deposits smart and carefully because each transaction will have a fee, so plan them accordingly.
Deposited Hora Coins will be able to be used on the marketplace, which will instantly lower your transaction fee cost.
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